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601 for Period Equity

This Black woman-led, grassroots is based in Vicksburg and Jackson, MS is focused on ending period shame through advocacy and mutual aid that provides menstruators the products they need in the form of free period care packages.

AL Abortion Clinic

An abortion clinic and full-spectrum reproductive health center in Tuscaloosa, Alabama that provides abortion, birth control options, telehealth consults for non-abortion related procedures and gender-affirming, evidence-based preventative reproductive health services.

ARC Southeast

Provides financial assistance or practical support (rides, lodging, or escorting), to people in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

Act Blue Texas

This fund collectively raises money for 10 abortion funds in Texas.

Alabama COHOSH Collaborative

Provides in-clinic abortion doula support for people having surgical procedures at Alabama Women's Center in north Alabama at no cost.

Arkansas Abortion Support

Works to reduce barriers to abortion access in Arkansas through clinic escorting, abortion funding, and community outreach and education. AASN provides abortion support services to Arkansans regardless of race, gender identity, religion, socioeconomic status, ability, incarceration, or citizenship status.

Birthmark Doulas

This birth-justice organization provides childbirth education, birth doula, and postpartum doula services as well as lactation support to pregnant and parenting people in New Orleans. The collective offers a sliding-scale for qualifying families.

Blue Ridge Abortion Fund

Offers grants to reduce the cost of abortion, transportation, lodging, and other abortion related expenses.

Buckle Bunnies

Provides financial aid, material support, and resources for abortion seekers across Texas.

Carolina Abortion Fund

CAF operates a confidential, toll free helpline that provides financial, practical, and emotional support to callers in North and South Carolina trying to access abortion care.

Carolina Abortion Fund

CAF operates a confidential, toll free helpline that provides financial, practical, and emotional support to callers in North and South Carolina trying to access abortion care.

Choice Fund

Provides money to help people pay for their abortions. You can also receive other care from their clinic like STD testing, cancer screening and birth control.

Clinic Access

Provides drives to and from clinics in the Houston area, rideshares, bus tickets, gas money, childcare support, compassionate care, lodging, and procedure funding (in limited cases).

FL Access Network

Offers financial assistance with client appointment, travel, lodging, and childcare costs to reduce barriers to abortion care in Florida.

Frontera Fund

Provides funding, travel, and lodging for the Rio Grande Valley.

Holler Health Justice

A BIPOC- & queer-led racial, economic, and reproductive justice nonprofit in West Virginia. From abortion funding to harm reduction, their fully volunteer team provides mutual aid to Appalachians most in need.

Janes Due Process

Provides free legal help to pregnant minors, including information on judicial bypass.

Magnolia Fund

Works to identify and eliminate barriers to abortion access in the Southeast through financial and practical support.

Mississipi Reproductive Freedom Fund

Provides funding for abortion, Plan B, transportation, lodging, child care and travel for all residents of Mississippi, regardless of where they seek abortion care, and anyone who has an abortion in Mississippi. They also have abortion doula services, Spanish translation on request as well as offering logistical support referrals and limited aftercare.

Mounain Access Brigade

Provides support for reproductive health access and abortion care, including abortion doula services, education, practical support, and financial assistance.

Mountain Area Abortion Doula Co

Supports people seeking abortion in the greater Asheville area with logistics support, emotional support and aftercare.

New River Abortion Fund

Provides financial and practical support for abortion care in Southwest Virginia and Appalachia.

Palmetto State Abortion Fund

Funds abortions in South Carolina and offers emotional and logistical support.

Pro Choice NC

A statewide organization that works to combat the inflammatory rhetoric and the systems designed to stigmatize abortion, leading to violence against people seeking to access abortion and the people working to provide that care.

Roe Fund

Provides direct financial support and clinic escorts to people seeking abortion care in Oklahoma.

Tampa Bay Abortion Fund

provides financial assistance for individuals seeking abortion from any of the clinics listed on their website. After you have made your appointment with one of their partner clinics, call 727-314-3956 to answer a few intake questions. You will have your call returned within 24-48 hours by one of their volunteers.

The Afiya Center

Provides childcare assistance, food, transportation, escorts (to & from clinics), abortion & birthing doulas, financial assistance through their Support Your Sistah program as well as other reproductive justice programming.

Triangle Access

A collective of pro-choice volunteers who oppose anti-choice harassment in the Raleigh/Durham area.

West Fund

Provides direct funding for abortion services in El Paso and West Texas.

Yellow Hammer Fund

Provides funding for anyone seeking care at one of Alabama's three independent abortion clinics and, in some cases, for care at Feminist Women's Health Center in Atlanta and DuPont Clinic in Washington, D.C.